Contact Lenses

We are committed to providing a professional, comprehensive optical service of the highest quality, in a friendly and relaxed environment.

Whether you have a specific requirement or are considering contact lenses for the first time – Antony Austin can help you.

We pride ourselves on ensuring that we know as much as there is to know about contact lenses as these days contact lenses have become a bit of a specialist subject.

We can help you to answer the following questions:

  • Do I choose daily or monthly disposables?
  • Do I want tints, or colours?
  • Do I need soft or hard gas permeable lenses?
  • I have astigmatism, can I use contact lenses?
  • I have problems reading with my contact lenses, can I get multifocals?

The choices go on and on…

So we’ll start with a comprehensive assessment which gives us a clear guide on what will best suit your eyes. In our usual friendly way we’ll talk you through all the various options to ensure that the lenses you wear suit your lifestyle. We have monthly payment plans to suit all pockets.

So why not contact us for an appointment?